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Fermented Tomato Sauce—unstoppable deliciousness!!

Fermented Tomato Sauce—unstoppable deliciousness!!

Japanese people love fermented food. We have many traditional fermented foods such as miso, soy sauce, natto, rice bran pickles, amazake, and many more. At the same time, there are different creative fermented foods that people create and share. One of them I was fascinated […] read more

Buckwheat Galette Dinner!

Buckwheat Galette Dinner!

The other day, when we were eating some of the Ratatouille-Caponata on the dinner table, my husband was saying how he can well imagine it goes well as a topping on pizza. I could follow where his imagination was going. My husband loves pizza. This […] read more

Chickpea Stew with Bread and Vegetable Side Dishes

Chickpea Stew with Bread and Vegetable Side Dishes

Sometimes, maybe once a month, I cook a large amount of chickpea. It is a very helpful way to make food that will last for days. In such a case, part of it would be used for making hummus, and I would cook a beautiful […] read more

Vegan Apricot Tart (Tarte aux Abricots)—with only 3 tsp of coconut sugar and so delicious!

Vegan Apricot Tart (Tarte aux Abricots)—with only 3 tsp of coconut sugar and so delicious!

It is such a short period of time, a little over a month, when apricots are available at the farmers market. As I spent some time in Austria in my childhood, this fruit is very special to me. The Austrian people call apricots “Marillen” instead […] read more

Vegan Probiotic Coconut Whipped Cream

Vegan Probiotic Coconut Whipped Cream

I love coconut whipped cream! Chilling the can of coconut cream, taking out the solid part from the can, mixing with the electric whisk for several minutes, then adding sweetener and mixing some more. It is so easy and absolutely delicious. When I encountered its […] read more

Ultimate Vegan Strawberry Shortcake— Wholegrain, Cane Sugar-Free!

Ultimate Vegan Strawberry Shortcake— Wholegrain, Cane Sugar-Free!

This strawberry shortcake is vegan, cane sugar free, wheat free, and baked with whole grain flour and nuts, sweetened only with 4 tbsp of maple syrup and 5 tbsp of apple sauce. And it is so delicious!!

Japanese Summer Dinner with Seasonal Vegetable Dishes and Corn Cob Broth Miso Soup

Japanese Summer Dinner with Seasonal Vegetable Dishes and Corn Cob Broth Miso Soup

As I made the delicious raw corn-cucumber soup yesterday, I had left over the special broth from the corn cob today. When you take the raw corns out from the cob, it is too pity to just waste the cob, because after simmering it in […] read more

Super Delicious! Raw Corn-Cucumber Soup

Super Delicious! Raw Corn-Cucumber Soup

The season of fresh corn has arrived!! What is your favorite way of eating this beautiful yellow vegetable? For me, the classic way of boiling and just eating as it is is definitely my all time favorite. It immediately brings me back to my childhood […] read more

Treat of Summer! Ratatouille-Caponata

Treat of Summer! Ratatouille-Caponata

When the summer time arrives and more and more summer vegetables are gradually lined up at the farmers market, this is the dish I am excited to make every year. It is a treat only in the summer time. It is one of our absolutely […] read more

Ratatouille-Caponata, Quinoa, Raw Corn Soup and Salad

Ratatouille-Caponata, Quinoa, Raw Corn Soup and Salad

The other day, we received beautiful, fresh eggs from our friends. They have happy chickens, eating well and roaming in their backyard with their children. What a gift! One of the very magical ways of enjoying eggs for me is making the perfect fried egg […] read more